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Course 03 - Marketing and Communication (CLM - 03)
Leadership & Management
Course 03 - Marketing and Communication (CLM - 03)
Curso 03 - Marketing y Comunicación Cours 03 - Marketing et communication Курс 03 - Маркетинг и коммуникации Faculty / Facultad / la faculté / Факультет: Heather Valentine, MBA...
Course 01 - Leadership and Vision for Philanthropy (CLM-01)
Leadership & Management
Course 01 - Leadership and Vision for Philanthropy (CLM-01)
Curso 01 - La Visión del Liderazgo para la Filantropía Cours 01 - Vision du leadership pour la philanthropie Курс 01 - Лидерское видение благотворительности Faculty | Facultad | la faculté |...
Course 02 - Implementing Philanthropy Strategies (CLM-02)
Leadership & Management
Course 02 - Implementing Philanthropy Strategies (CLM-02)
Curso 02 - Implementando Estrategias Filantrópicas Cours 02 - Mise en œuvre des stratégies de philanthropie Курс 02 - Реализация стратегий благотворительности Faculty | Facultad | la faculté |...
Course 04 - Staffing and Support IT Models for Optimum Delivery (CLM-04)
Leadership & Management
Course 04 - Staffing and Support IT Models for Optimum Delivery (CLM-04)
Curso 04 - Sistemas de Información Cours 04 - Systèmes d'information Курс 04 - Информационные системы Faculty / Facultad / la faculté / Факультет: DP Harris, PhD Mark Zirkelbach, MS Title: Staffing...
Course 05 - Ethics: Personal and Organizational (CLM-05)
Leadership & Management
Course 05 - Ethics: Personal and Organizational (CLM-05)
Curso 05 - Ética: Personal y Organizacional Cours 05 - L'éthique : Personnelle et organisationnelle Curs 05 - Etică: Personal și organizațional Faculty / Facultad / la faculté / Факультет: Lowell Cooper, MDiv, MPH
Course 06 - Leveraging grants to achieve your mission (CLM-06)
Leadership & Management
Course 06 - Leveraging grants to achieve your mission (CLM-06)
Curso 06 - Aprovechar las subvenciones para lograr su misión Cours 06 - Tirer parti des subventions pour réaliser votre mission Курс 06 - Использование грантов для реализации вашей...
Course 07 - Financial Management and Governance - Part 1 (CLM-07)
Leadership & Management
Course 07 - Financial Management and Governance - Part 1 (CLM-07)
Curso 07 - Gestión Financiera Parte 1 Cours 07 - Gestion financière Partie 1 Курс 07 - Финансовый менеджмент, часть 1 Faculty / Facultad / la faculté / Факультет: Bob Frost, MBA Emily Ndlela, MBA,...
Course 08 - Financial Management Part 2 (CLM-08)
Leadership & Management
Course 08 - Financial Management Part 2 (CLM-08)
Curso 08 - Gestión Financiera Parte 2 Cours 08 - Gestion financière Partie 2 Курс 08 - Финансовый менеджмент, часть 2 Faculty / Facultad / la faculté / Факультет: Paul Edwards, MBA, CPA Bob Frost,...
Course 16 - Spiritual Care (CLM-16)
Leadership & Management
Course 16 - Spiritual Care (CLM-16)
A discussion about Spiritual Care. How do we create an atmosphere of compassion? How do we serve the spiritual needs of our employees, patients, students, and communities? What is “Pastoral Care” and how do we incorporate it into our...
Course 17 - Whole Person Care (CLM-17)
Leadership & Management
Course 17 - Whole Person Care (CLM-17)
Join us in a discussion about Whole Person Care. What is whole person care? What are the elements of CLEAR Whole Person Care? How can we implement whole person care in our institutions? Speaker: Saúl Barcelo, PhD – Director, Center for...

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